Calm before Christmas
For the seventh year in a row, I am inviting you to join me for a festive evening of yoga to stretch, strengthen, slow and settle. Move mindfully around your mat in the glow of Christmas lights and offer yourself this time to reflect and find appreciation for the past year. The practice is available to all abilities and there will be opportunity to spice it up with advanced variations if you wish to.
Leave with a full heart, a mug of my favourite Winter warmer and some treats.
As always, a % of each ticket sale will be donated to CRISIS at Christmas to provide immediate help for the homeless at this critical time of year.
£32 until October 31st, £38 thereafter >> BOOK HERE
The Causeway Hall, Chiddingstone TN11 8JS
Friday, December 6th
6:30PM - 8:30PM
A perfect Christmas gift to yourself, a family member or friend.

Yuletide Yoga
A cosy, candlelit, festive gentle yoga class, designed to rebalance the nervous system. Leave feeling calm, with a warming cup of something delicious in hand. All abilities welcome.
A perfect Christmas gift to yourself, a family member or friend and a heartwarming way to close the year
£20 for local residents

Calm before Christmas
Join us for a cosy, festive afternoon in the depths of Winter to move and breathe together in the glow of candlelight. We begin with a flowing yoga sequence to settle into our bodies, using movement to stretch, open and strengthen in time with our breath. We move onto a slower and reflective practice, designed to rebalance the nervous system and feel grounded. Leave with a goodie bag of treats and a warming Winter drink.
A perfect early Christmas gift for yourself, a family member or friend and a wonderful way to close the year.
Fordcombe Village Hall, Tunbridge Wells, TN3 0RT
Sunday, December 17th
3:30PM - 5:30PM
A % from each ticket sale will be donated to CRISIS at Christmas to help provide immediate help for the homeless at this critical time of year.
£32 until November 12th, £36 thereafter
Magic of Mandala
Join me on this full moon as we journey 360 degrees around the mat through an extended mandala flow practice. We honour this celestial event and embrace the waves of the lunar cycle with a fluid and repetitive practice that aligns with the natural cycles we see in nature. We build our practice safely towards the poses Wild Thing and King Pigeon.
The Yoga House
10.00 - 12.00
£26 or £48 for two
Arm Balancing Workshop
In this two hour workshop we will break down a handful of the peak arm balance poses and work our way up to them. The sequence will help build a lot of strength in the upper body and core in order to prep you. The poses we will play around with are crow, side crow, firefly and eka pada koundinyasana (flying lizard). All that work will of course be absorbed with a well deserved savasana.
It is a practice suitable to all levels but no one that is completely new to yoga.
Message me to book in xx
Detox Workshop
After many a mulled wine/mince pie... it’s definitely time to give our bodies a good reboot!
This two hour workshop will comprise of an extended yoga sequence, where we will use breath work + plenty of twisting movements to encourage our bodies to naturally detoxify. When we twist, we limit blood flow into certain organs + when we come back out of the twist, the blood rushes to those areas enhancing circulation, encouraging lymph drainage, improving digestion. Giving time to stay in twists is integral to reap these benefits + a longer practice will provide that. Because it’s only a small class, we will also work with gentle inversions + those who want to play with headstand, handstand will have the chance to do so with me to guide/assist them. Savasana will of course conclude the class but before that, there will be some restorative poses + essential oils.
This is a great opportunity to deepen your practice + also to give yourself some space, do some intention setting + find some balance in the fast start to 2020.
Price is £25, time is 3-5pm + it is taking place at @theyogahousetwells which will be beautiful as the sun sets. Message me to book xx

Yuletide Yoga
As the winter sun sets, we will stretch, strengthen, relax and HONOUR our incredible bodies with a nourishing yoga flow, reflecting on the past year with love, forgiveness + gratitude. Practising with lots of other lovely humans means that the energy in the room will be palpable and your soul will sing. It should and will feel like a treat to come along.
Just like last year, you will leave with a mug of my favourite winter warmer + a mince pie in hand... along with a goodie bag full of treats from some of the companies I love and perhaps a couple of extra surprises. A perfect early Christmas gift for yourself, a family member or friend and a wonderful way to close the year.
10% from each ticket sale will be donated to the wonderful charity, CRISIS at Christmas to help provide immediate help for homeless people at this critical time of year.
Black Friday places are £43 (until the 29th of November) + from then on, spaces are £48. No need to be a yogi pro, all abilities are very welcome.

Christmas by Candlelight
Sunday 9th of December
3pm - 5pm
The Causeway Hall, Chiddingstone
A yummy, festive, heart warming Christmas yoga event by candlelight. As the winter sun sets, we will stretch, strengthen + relax our bodies, giving us time and space to look back at the past year with love, softness, forgiveness + gratitude. You will leave with a mug of my favourite winter warmer + a mince pie in hand... along with a goodie bag full of festive treats from some of the brands I love the most. A perfect early Christmas gift for yourself, a family member or friend.
£3 from each ticket sale will be donated to the wonderful charity, CRISIS at Christmas to help provide immediate help for homeless people at this critical time of year.
Earlybird places are £32 (until the 28th of November) + from then on, spaces are £40. No need to be a yogi pro, all abilities are very welcome.

Rebalancing the Chakras
In the subtle yoga anatomy, the seven chakras correlate to different physical mental + emotional attributes. When chakras are unbalanced it is shown through fear, anxiety, instability or physical illness. If you’re feeling a blockage somewhere in your life; love, ambition, focus, the workshop will be a chance to tap into that + find some space + clarity. I will guide you through a physical practice to get you energised + strong before we move into some peak poses that will help you better connect to your bodies + your capabilities. We will end with some restorative poses with blankets, bolsters + eye pillows to allow your body to completely relax. A refreshing, revitalising way to start your Sunday!
All abilities welcome.
£25 early bird until 23rd September and £30 thereafter.

Hatha for the Holidays
Join me on the mat for an hour and a half of energising Hatha yoga; for chakras and chai lattes, mistletoe and meditation.
The event will revolve around gratitude, focusing on the little things that we are grateful for and those in your life who are special to you. We will flow and warm our bodies up to the sounds of Christmas and I guarantee that you'll leave with full hearts.
It will last for two hours; one and a half hours of blissful Hatha yoga, followed by a warming christmas drink and if you're lucky, perhaps a mince pie.
It's £16 to join in and you can bring family or friends to share it with. There are limited spaces, so please let me know if you're keen to join in as soon as possible.

Hatha for the Holidays
Join me on the mat for an hour and a half of energising Hatha yoga; for chakras and chai lattes, mistletoe and meditation.
The event will revolve around gratitude, focusing on the little things that we are grateful for and those in your life who are special to you. We will flow and warm our bodies up to the sounds of Christmas and I guarantee that you'll leave with full hearts.
It will last for two hours; one and a half hours of blissful Hatha yoga, followed by a warming christmas drink and if you're lucky, perhaps a mince pie.
It's £16 to join in and you can bring family or friends to share it with. There are limited spaces, so please let me know if you're keen to join in as soon as possible.

Power Yoga
An energetic vinyasa flow class which will break you into a sweat and challenge your body's flexibility and strength. Based at my home yoga studio in Tunbridge Wells.

Yoga cancelled at FYP this week
CLASS CANCELLED this week since I am sunning myself in Spain